Esperance Skate Park and Pump Track
The Esperance Skate Park
The Esperance Skatepark is a unique, iconic and site responsive multi-purpose, multi-generational facility that aims to complement the existing uses and facilities of waterfront recreational precincts within Esperance. The Skatepark is the optimum social hub on the beach for our youth and the broader community of Esperance.The project was made possible by funding through the states Royalties for Regions Country Local Government Fund, Lotterywest, Tourism WA and the Shire of Esperance. The Department of Regional Development have used the Esperance Skate Park as an example of a successful community project.
Community consultation and workshops were held during 2015 with local stakeholders attending and contributing positively towards the plans for the skate park and surrounding areas. The consultation assisted Council to understand the needs and wants of current skate park users, building the type of park that would satisfy a larger user group and finding the best location for the facility.
Convic were the successful company engaged to both design and construct the skate park. Construction of the new skate park commenced in July 2016. Convic are well recognised for their unique approach and commitment to innovation and have created some of the world's best skate parks and iconic action sports facilities, this now includes Esperance.
The skate park was open for use on 13 October 2016 and the official opening which included workshops, demonstrations, competitions, live music and food vendors was held on the 3-4 December 2016. The Edge of the Bay event was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended.
The site, located on the foreshore south of William Street, presents an opportunity for the Shire of Esperance to develop a skate space in the heart of the community that lifts the public profile of youth. The site has been selected to continue the significant works that have occurred on the Esperance Waterfront and to have sufficient space to develop a youth precidct into the future. The development will see the continuation of the pedestrian network commenced in the Waterfront upgrade.
In acknowledgement of the diversity of current user styles, the design incorporates a number of different skate elements and obstacles to provide continued progression for beginners through to experienced users. The design addresses the key consultation outcomes derived from the pre-design community consultations.
The Pump Track
The new Pump Track, located near the Skate Park, was opened Friday 14 January 2022 in conjunction with the opening of the new James Street Beach Enclosure. Local residents, visitors and Members of Parliament gathered at the Whale tail for a Community BBQ.
The Esperance pump track contains three endless loops with rollers and berms and a pump bowl designed to be ridden without pedaling, instead using a pumping motion, pulling up on the face of rollers and pushing down on the backside.

What does ‘Pump Track’ mean?
A pump track is a looped sequence of rollers and banked turns for bike riders. It’s designed to maximise momentum, so riders can ride it with minimal pedaling.
Riding a pump track builds bike handling skills – including cornering, weighting and unweighting the bike and jumping. It helps learning how to build momentum over certain sections of trail.
Suitable for mountain bikes, BMX and cross bikes to improve mountain biking skills.

- Facility users are responsible for their own safety and children should be supervised by a responsible adult at all times.
- The Shire of Esperance accepts no responsibility for loss or injury.
- Approved bicycle helmet and enclosed footwear should be worn at all times.
- Ride within your ability, and respect for other riders
Emergencies: 000 for Police, Ambulance or Fire
- Local Police: 08 9079 8999
- Shire of Esperance: 08 9071 0666