Current Road Closures & Road Conditions


To receive instant updates on road closure information you can sign up for the digital version to be delivered directly to your inbox when a closure is sent out or contact Asset Management on (08) 9071 0637.

A list of current road closure notifications can be found below or on the Shire of Esperance Facebook page.

Current and Future Road Closures/ Conditions

Road Name Between Dates Open / Closed Reason / Condition
Parmango Road North of the farming land Until further notice Open to the Shire of Esperance boundary Road Conditions Section north of Shire of Esperance is managed by the Shire of Dundas. Click here.
Balladonia Track Southern end Until further notice Local Traffic Only  Road Conditions Section north of Shire of Esperance is managed by the Shire of Dundas. Please visit this website for more information.

Parmango Road / Balladonia Track

The Parmango Road / Balladonia Track is an unmaintained 4x4 track north of the farming land. It is FOUR WHEEL DRIVE vehicles ONLY and towing is not advised.

The Shire of Dundas is responsible for the track from the Shire of Esperance boundary to the Eyre Hwy at Balladonia.

Balladonia Track - Between Eyre highway and Shire of Dundas boundary with Shire of Esperance   


Lake King - Norseman Road

The Shire of Esperance is responsible for a 60kms section of The Lake King - Norseman Road, please be advised that this section is unmaintained 4x4 track and towing is not advised. 

Cascade Road

The Cascade Road is a remote road with a gravel section approximately 120kms in length. There is a 5 tonne load limit on the unsealed section of Cascade Rd from Lake Tae Road to Lake King - Norseman Road at all times.

National Park Road Access

There are a number of access points to enter a range of National Parks within the Shire of Esperance.

These roads are managed by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Parks and Wildlife Service.

Updates on these roads can be found by contacting the Esperance Parks and Wildlife Service on 08 9083 2100 or by visiting the Park Alerts System

Main Roads WA

The following roads are the responsibility of Main Roads WA:

  • Coolgardie – Esperance Hwy
  • South Coast Hwy
  • Harbour Road

Alerts & Travel Information for the above roads can be found by visiting here.