Current Consultations

OPEN till 6 April 2025 -  Esperance Tourism Signage & Pedestrian Wayfinding Strategy

Engaging with the community

Community engagement is a fundamental aspect of Council’s role and is an essential element in the planning and delivery of community-focused services.

The Shire of Esperance is committed to inclusive and comprehensive engagement with its community in recognition of its obligations under the Local Government Act 1995 as they pertain to participation, consultation and engagement.

Council believes this will lead to a stronger sense of community ownership and belonging, both of which are essential to social sustainability and ensuring the broadest community feel welcome, involved and connected to each other. The Shire of Esperance Council Plan 2022-2032 highlights this commitment with Outcome 16.1:

Provide authentic, relevant and effective engagement with community members

The Shire engages in two main ways:


Community surveys are regularly undertaken at the Shire of Esperance to gather data that will assist Council when making decisions on behalf of the community. Surveys can be specific to a project, service or facility or can be based on all Shire services. Community members are encouraged to participate in surveys when the opportunity arises. This makes sure data collected is representative of community sentiment and provides a sound base for the development and determination of decisions that need to be made in the future.

Community Consultation

Community members are actively encouraged to phone, email or message ideas, suggestions and concerns they have on proposed projects, services or future planning in our community. Community engagement includes informing, consulting with, involving, collaborating with and empowering the community as advocated by the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2).


Past Consultations


Draft Esperance Street Tree Strategy 2023 - June - July 2023

The Street Tree Strategy 2023 has been developed to guide the Shire on the management and direction of street trees within the Esperance town site and satellite towns. It is a comprehensive document, with much thought going into its wide-ranging scope and key points.

Museum Strategic Plan Review - May - June 2023

What does the Esperance Museum mean to you and our community? What should be our focus for the next 10 years? The Museum is an important asset to our community and we need your help to plan the future.

2023 Community Scorecard - May 2023

Over the past 12 years the Shire has gathered direction and feedback from the Esperance community via the Scorecard. This survey asks you to score the Shire and Council on performance and delivery of projects and services, and the results help inform the Council Plan.

From 1 – 19 May, the 2023 Community Scorecard will be available in hard copy, delivered to all mailboxes, and online - All community members aged 14 years or older are invited to take part.


Holiday Homes Review

The Shire of Esperance recently consulted with Stakeholders and the wider Community on regulations around short stay, or holiday houses, within the Esperance region.

Council Plan 2022-2032

The Plan merges and simplifies the Shire’s Strategic Community Plan and Corporate Business Plan. Esperance region community members came together in November 2021 to review the Strategic Community Plan through the FUTYR Community Workshops, with the Esperance Strategic Community Plan Review 2021 survey being widely offered at the same time. The information from the workshops and survey were considered along with results from 2021 MARKYT Community Scorecard and the Shire’s strategic documents when working on the Plan.

Council Plan 2022-2032


Dog Park

Consult with the community if there is a need for a specialised dog park, and where this could be located.


James Street Cultural Precinct

This Project aims to enhance the James Street experience for the community and visitors and to identify opportunities to make the precinct economically sustainable and active.


Community Scorecard 2021

The Community Perception Scorecard enables Council to keep in touch with the current wishes of local residents, determine priorities and make the best decisions possible on behalf of the community in line with our Council Plan.


Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO Survey)

Understanding the future requirements and aspirations for waste and recycling services within the Shire of Esperance.

Survey closed November 12, 2021

Esperance Urban Nodes Trail

Survey closed April 30, 2021

Murdidyinakabi - Lake Monjingup Survey

Feedback will assist the Shire in drafting the Murdidyinakabi - Lake Monjingup Management Plan.

Survey closed March 3, 2021.