Esperance District Recreation Association (EDRA)

The Esperance District Recreation Association (EDRA) is an affiliation based peak body for sporting and recreation clubs in Esperance. EDRA’s is your combined voice for sport and recreation in Esperance and surrounding districts.

EDRA Membership

Clubs & Associations that affiliate to EDRA are eligible to nominate individual athletes, teams and volunteers for the Sports Star of the Year Awards, the Junior Travel Trust Fund, and the Esperance Talent Development Centre.

If you would like more information on how EDRA can assist your club or association or would like to join EDRA please contact the Senior Club & Community Development Officer Jill Reynolds on 9071 0609 or email

Affiliated Clubs

Clubs currently affiliated to EDRA are listed here.

If you would like to affiliate your club or association please complete the affiliation form or contact the Senior Club & Community Development Officer Jill Reynolds on 9071 0609 or email

EDRA Committee

The EDRA AGM was last held in February 2024 where the below Committee Members were appointed.

  • President: Natasha Woodhouse
  • Treasurer: David Rigney
  • Secretary: Jill Reynolds (Shire Supervisor Club & Community Development)
  • General Members: Shane Tobin, Carmel Creed, Fiona McDonald, Geoff Poole, Louise Pearn

If you are interested in joining the EDRA Committee or the Sub Committee for Sports Star please contact the Senior Club & Community Development Officer, Jill Reynolds on 9071 0609 or

Meeting Dates

EDRA meet four times throughout the year on a Wednesday at 5pm at Noel White Centre Meeting Room. The Committee may be required to meet on alternative dates to support Club issues as requested. This year’s set dates are below:

  • 14 April
  • 14 May
  • 11 September
  • 4 December (AGM)

If you wish to attend the next EDRA Meeting please contact the Supervisor Club & Community Development, Jill Reynolds on 9071 0609 or

Esperance Talent Development Centre

The Esperance Talent Development Centre (ETDC) forms part of the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) Regional Athlete Support Program (RASP) which – on the local level – is overseen by EDRA.

The aim of the Centre is to provide opportunities for the development of talented athletes, aged 13-21, who would fall into the categories T1 - T3 using the Australian Institute of Sport’s (AIS) “FTEM” assessment scale. Essentially this means the athletes will have displayed a degree of talent and also a desire to develop their performance capabilities.

The Centre coordinates a range of strategies including education on topics such as nutrition, fitness and conditioning and mental health.

Athletes wanting to improve their physical capabilities can also receive assistance with identifying their area(s) of need and with accessing programs to develop their performance.

Assistance is also available to people who want to develop their knowledge and skills as coaches and/or officials.

The Program is currently coordinated by Nicholas Crane, who can be contacted on the below details:


Talent Development Scholarships

Applications for the Talent Development Scholarship are now open.  Applications are due 28 March 2025.

Scholarship Criteria

  • Achieved success in your chosen sport
  • Represented your sport at a higher level outside of Esperance
  • Have support of the SSA or regional association of your sport
  • You are fully committed to attending all aspects of the program

Application Form

EDRA Funding Opportunities

EDRA is responsible for administering Junior Travel Trust Fund

The Junior Travel Trust Fund was established to offset the costs associated with attending training sessions and competitions for individuals who have been selected for State Country, State or National teams in their chosen sport. The fund is open to eligible athletes, who are aged 18 years or under, to subsidise the cost of flights, petrol and accommodation.

The Guidelines and Application form can be downloaded here. The application needs to be made in conjunction with your Club/Association. Please feel welcome to contact the Club Development Officer for further assistance on 9071 0609.

Junior Travel Trust Fund 2024

Successful Applicants for 2025

Carta Tawhiao - Basketball

Brody Oliver - Athletics

Successful Applicants for 2024

Teal Dell'Agostino - Basketball


Aiden Finlay Mulligan - Squash

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