Home Care Packages
Once your support needs increase beyond the level of CHSP you will need to apply for a Home Care Package.
To receive a subsidised Home Care Package you will need to schedule an ACAT assessment (Aged Care Assessment Team) via My Aged Care. This assessment will determine if you are eligible for a home care package and which package level best meets your care needs.

Apply for an assessment through My Aged Care;
My Aged Care
1800 200 422
If you need help to apply for an assessment just contact us.
Once you have been assigned a package Esperance Home Care will work with you to determine the services that meet your individual needs. You can choose from a variety of services including (but not limited to):
- Domestic assistance (cleaning, laundry)
- Personal care (help with showering and dressing)
- Medication prompts
- Meals
- Nursing
- Home maintenance (minor general repairs and care of your garden)
- Transport (including assistance with shopping)
- Social activities
- Allied health services (eg: podiatry, physiotherapy, occupational therapy)
Current Home Care Package Fee Schedule