Drop Off Recycling

Recycling Stations

There are recycling stations at the Administration Building and Library where you can drop off household batteries, all globes and fluorescent tubes, mobile phone batteries, handsets and accessories and chargers.

Please keep batteries out of landfill - Do not put them in your bin or trailer waste, they are hazardous and commonly start fires at landfills.

You can also drop off used hair and beauty products, and aluminium coffee pods at the Administration Building.  These are recycled through Terracycle - Learn how to start your own recycling station - https://www.terracycle.com/en-AU/

What can be included? Glad you asked. Here’s some examples:

  • packaging for lipstick
  • lip gloss
  • mascara
  • eye shadow
  • bronzer
  • foundation
  • eyeliner
  • eye shadow
  • lip liner
  • concealer
  • shampoo/conditioner
  • hair gel tubes/caps
  • hair spray/hair treatment packaging
  •  moisturiser
  • soap dispensers and tubes
  • lotion dispensers and tubes
  • shaving foam packaging and all spray nozzles.

Important info:

  1. No full containers – please make sure they’re empty (or as close to as possible)
  2. No aerosol cans – these can go in your recycle bin at home. The nozzles and lids can be dropped off though.


Computers, TVs and other electronic devices can be dropped off to our free recycling program at Wylie Bay Waste Facility.

Construction and Demolition Waste (C&D)

The types of wastes generated from C&D include unsuitable materials from building sites prior to construction as well as waste from the construction phase or during the demolition of buildings. This includes bricks, pavers, roof tiles, rocks and rubble. Wylie Bay Waste Facility stockpile this stream of waste and periodically crush it into aggregate that can be reused as landfill cover, used to construct tracks or for road base. This process diverts the material from landfill and avoids wasting valuable void space.

When delivering this material, it must be free from dirt, steel and hazardous materials such as asbestos.

A declaration form is required on delivery and 2 weeks minimum notice for commercial quantities - 6m3 or more

Drum Muster

Drum Muster is an Australia wide program where farmers can return old chemical drums to be recycled into various plastic and steel products.


  • Book an appointment for an inspection of the drums (details as below)
  • All drums must be triple rinsed
  • Plastic and steel drums are accepted
  • Steel drums need to have a hole punched in the bottom
  • Drums must be checked by a certified 'Drum Muster Inspector' before disposal

For all general enquiries or to arrange an inspection (available weekdays from 9am to 3pm), contact the Wylie Bay Waste Facility on (08) 9071 7594 or 0427 994 984.