Esperance Council Plan 2022 - 2032

The Shire of Esperance Council Plan 2022 to 2032 (the Plan) delivers instructions from the community to the Esperance Council and Shire staff. The Plan speaks to community hopes and aspirations, lays out how objectives will be achieved and resourced, and how success will be measured and reported.

The Plan merges and simplifies the Shire’s Strategic Community Plan and Corporate Business Plan. It is designed to be a practical document that people can flick through, and understand infographics and dot points about where the Shire is headed, quickly and easily.

The Shire of Esperance Council Plan 2022 to 2032 was adopted at the May 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting, with the latest review being endorsed by Council at the May 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting. The Plan can be viewed and downloaded below, or a hard copy can be requested by emailing and collected from the Administration Building on Windich Street.

We would love to hear what you think about the new Council Plan, and any ideas for the future. Please send us your ideas by emailing with the subject line ‘Council Plan’.


Under the state government Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework, local governments in Western Australia must deliver reports such as Corporate Business Plans, Strategic Community Plans and Annual Reports. The aim of the Framework is to make sure local governments consult their communities, and plan responsibly and sustainably according to community directions.

Esperance region community members came together in November 2021 to review the Strategic Community Plan through the FUTYR Community Workshops, with the Esperance Strategic Community Plan Review 2021 survey being widely offered at the same time. The information from the workshops and survey were considered along with results from 2021 MARKYT Community Scorecard and the Shire’s strategic documents when working on the Plan.

As part of this process the benefits of merging the Shire’s 34 page Strategic Community Plan and 54 page Corporate Business Plan became clear. The Department of Local Government confirmed this is acceptable, provided the elements required by the Local Government Act 1995 were included. Merging the two documents is more efficient in staff time and Shire resources, and delivers a simpler, more easily understood Council Plan to the community.

Under the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework (IPRF), Corporate Business Plans are reviewed each year and Strategic Community Plans every four years, with minor reviews every two years. To make sure the new Plan stays relevant to community goals and aspirations it will have desk top reviews annually, with major reviews every four years in line with the IPRF schedule.

Previous copies of Corporate Business Plans and Strategic Community Plans are available below, or hard copies can be requested by emailing, then collecting from the Administration Building on Windich Street (fees may apply).

Please don’t hesitate to contact the Shire on (08) 9071 0666 with any queries.