
Register your Dog           Renew Dog Registration  

The Dog Act 1976 and the Shire of Esperance Dogs Local Law addresses:

  • the control and registration of dogs
  • the ownership and keeping of dogs, and
  • the obligations and rights of people, both as dog owners and non-dog owners.

The dog owners are responsible for ensuring their dogs are registered and are not allowed to wander at large in public places.

Rangers are authorised to investigate all offences under the Dog Act (1976) and conduct regular patrols of the Shire’s parks and designated animal exercise areas.

Shire Rangers approach dog control in a manner that is required by legislation and the community needs. The Act provides severe penalties for ongoing offences, and offenders can face court proceedings.

Being a Responsible Owner

There are a number of homes within the Esperance community who have a four legged friend as part of the family. You should be aware of your responsibilities if you are considering owning a dog. The average lifespan of a dog is 10 years. This means dog owners need to be prepared to make a long-term commitment.

To be a responsible dog owner, you must first ask yourself whether a dog is suitable for you. Be honest about yourself and the changes you are able to make to look after a dog. The bigger the dog, the greater its demands will be.

Basic dog needs include housing, a balanced diet, training, exercise, grooming, health, flea control and vaccinations. Dog owner’s basic responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring all dogs over the age of three months are registered
  • Ensuring that your dog is microchipped
  • Adequately training your dog
  • Making sure your dog is wearing a collar displaying a current Council registration tag, your name, address and phone number
  • Adequately fencing your property to confine your dog
  • Keeping your dog on a leash in public areas and near play equipment
  • Keeping your dog under control at all times
  • Picking up all dog waste when out with your dog

Why should I register my dog?

While microchips are the best way for your dog to be returned home, it is only effective if you keep your details on the microchip database up to date. 

The money raised through registration goes directly back into the services the Shire provides to manage dogs in our community. Services include:

  • A modern and clean Animal Management Facility for lost cats and dogs – the pound fee is 50% less for registered dogs
  • Quick return of your dog if it gets picked up by Rangers. A valid registration with updated contact details allows the Rangers to contact you within 30 minutes and you avoid paying an impoundment fee.
  • Patrols of the foreshore for off-leash dogs
  • Patrols of the off-leash beach in front of Straker Street in Castletown
  • Maintenance of Wildcherry Dog Park
  • Dog waste bags and bins at parks and reserves
  • Dog water stations at parks and reserves
  • Treats and equipment for the safe collection of dogs
  • Ranger assistance in:
    • Locating your dog
    • Investigating dog attacks
    • Attending to animal welfare concerns
    • Dealing with barking dogs
    • Managing stray animals
  • Plinths for deceased pets and maintenance of the Lake Monjingup Pet Cemetery

Help us with the upkeep of our animal related services, register your pet NOW.

Update your dog registration here or contact the Shire on (08)9071 0666.


All dogs over the age of three (3) months, including all farm dogs, must be registered. Dog registration will allow Ranger Services to re-unite you with your dog quickly should it wander or become lost.

All dogs must be microchipped to be eligible for registration. It is a common misconception dogs that have been given a microchip are also registered with the Shire. This is untrue. Microchips issued at the vets are completely separate to the registration tags issued by the Shire.  A dog is only exempt from microchipping if a veterinarian issues a certificate stating that the implantation of a microchip may adversely affect the health and welfare of the animal.

Please note that we are not able to affect/accept animal registrations unless:

  • the person registering is 18+ years of age.
  • a copy of a Valid ID is provided.
  • The details as recorded on the microchip database - name, address, phone, animal details - matches the details provided by the applicant.
  • Proof of sterilisation (if applicable).
  • Concession card (if applicable).

Dog registrations are valid for either one (1) or three (3) years or lifetime and are dependent on whether your dog is sterilised (neutered) or not.

The Dog Registration Fees are as follows:

Type One (1) Year Three (3) Years Life
Whole Dog $50.00 $120.00 $250.00
Sterilised Dog $20.00 $42.50 $100.00
Working Dog $12.50 $30.00 $62.50
Sterilised Working Dog $5.00    $10.60   $25.00

*Pensioners are half-price on all fees.

You can do this online or in person with the forms below:

Online: Register your Dog      Renew Dog Registration  or in person via the Dog Registration Form

Barking Dogs

As a dog owner, you are responsible for ensuring that your dog is not creating a public nuisance by barking excessively. Nuisance barking also covers public places adjoining the premises. Barking not only causes serious noise issues for residents, but it can also cause friction between neighbours.

If you are having problems with your neighbour’s dog causing a nuisance, by excessively barking, please approach them and explain your concerns and give them a chance to fix the problem.

When dealing with nuisance barking issues it is important that all parties concerned work together to assist in an amicable resolution. Some dog owners find it hard to believe that their dog is causing a nuisance through barking because they are either not home to hear it or the dog is not barking when they arrive home.

Should the nuisance barking persist after the dog owner has been advised, view the Barking Dog Information Pack or contact Ranger Services to request that they investigate the nuisance further.

Information - Barking Dog Diary

Template - Dear Neighbour Letter

Form - Complaint as to a Nuisance Created by a Dog

Keeping more than two dogs

You must have a permit to keep more than two dogs on a residential property in the Shire of Esperance. Properties will be inspected by a Ranger to determine if the property is suitable for the keeping of more than two dogs. As part of the approval process, all abutting neighbours must be contacted to ensure they do not object to the application. If objections are received, the Shire may be unable to approve your application. Request for exemptions can only be approved by Council.

Controlling your dog in a public place

Ensuring your dog gets adequate exercise is essential to their health and wellbeing. It keeps them happy, prevents boredom and can prolong their life. Dogs must always be on a leash and under effective control by their owner when in public places. This means you must be able to hold the dog without it pulling away from you, prevent it from rushing at people or other animals, and the dog must obey simple commands.

The Shire of Esperance has a dog-friendly areas, where your dog can enjoy a run around without the restrictions of a lead. Although the Shire does provide these areas for our visitors and residents alike, we seek to educate and remind people of the responsibilities of controlling their animals. If you choose to exercise your dog off a leash in the approved areas, you must have effective control of your dog, meaning you must be close by and you must carry the leash to use if required.

To ensure our Shire remains clean and tidy for other users, we ask you take the opportunity to use the free dog-poo bags available and place your pup’s poop in the bins provided.

For more information, including tips for being a responsible dog owner, visit the Department of Local Government and Communities Responsible Dog Ownership web page  

State Law Publisher