If you are considering making a Community Grant application, our Community Development Officer is more than happy to discuss your project and work with you to develop your proposal and confirm that your project and organisation is a good match for a Community Grant. Please call 9071 0609 to discuss.
Prior to making a Grant application, please read the 2024/2025 Community Grants Program Guidelines.
A good application reflects that you have read the guidelines and collected the specified ancilliary information, while also demonstrating your skill, ability and commitment to managing a successful project.
Please choose from the below active application forms. Hardcopies are available from the Shire of Esperance Administration Building. Application forms and ancilliary information can be emailed to shire@esperance.wa.gov.au; posted to PO Box 507, Esperance WA 6450; or hand delivered to the Shire Administration Building, Windich St Esperance.

Application Form - Small Grant (Up to $3,000)
Application Form - Small Grant Representation (Up to $500)
Application Form - Annual Grant (over $3000)
Application Form - Civil Works
Application Form - Annual Grant (Above $3,000) - Applications will re-open for projects commencing from August 2025 in January 2025 and close on 13 March 2025.
For Annual Grants: If your organisation does not prepare a Balance Sheet or equivalent please attach a Statement of Assets and Liabilities Form to your application. It is strongly recommended that applications are not left to the last week or final closing date before submission. Late applications will not be considered under any circumstances.
Unincorporated groups can apply, providing they are auspiced by an incorporated organisation that can manage the grant on behalf of the applicant. A letter agreeing to auspice and a copy of their Certificate of Incorporation must accompany the application.
The high demand for funding under the Council’s Community Grants Program will mean that not all grant applications can be approved. Although an application may meet the assessment criteria, grants are highly competitive and approval will depend on available funds and the number and quality of applications.
An Accountability report must be provided on the prescribed forms within 60 days of the completion of the project or 30th September following the grant year - which ever falls first.
Funds must be spent as approved and in line with the Community Grants Guidelines.
The Accountability report must include a report of budgeted and actual expenditure, a good-quality image of your project/group and tangible evidence of:
- grant funds being spent (i.e. invoices/receipts);
- recognition of Shire contribution;
- evidence to support performance indicators.
For 2023/2024 Community Grants Program Applications
Accountability Report - Small Grant
Accountability Report - Small Grant - Representation
Accountability Report - Annual Grant
Please email the report and all ancilliary documentation to shire@esperance.wa.gov.au, post it to PO Box 507 Esperance WA 6450, or hand deliver it to the Shire Administration Building, Windich St Esperance.