Esperance Cemetery Board

The Shire of Esperance manages multiple cemeteries, Esperance, Salmon Gums, and Condingup.

The Esperance Cemetery has a newer Lawn Section and an older section with various denominational areas, including Pioneer, Anglican, Uniting Church, Lutheran, Methodist, Peoples Church, and Catholic sections.

Tributes at Esperance Cemeteries

We strive to respect those who leave tributes for their loved ones, but these often contribute to litter in the cemetery. While artificial flowers initially appear bright and colorful, they eventually fade, disintegrate, and scatter throughout the cemetery and into the bushland beyond. 

Non-biodegradable items such as artificial flowers, flags, stuffed animals, cans, bottles, clothing, additional vases, and staked decorations that are not contained within the plinth (the concrete plate the headstone sits on) may be removed.

I want to ...

Apply for a Burial 

Burial times for the Esperance, Condingup and Esperance Cemeteries are Monday to Friday, between 9:00 AM and 2:30 PM. Services outside of these hours can be arranged via the funeral director for an additional fee. Mourners may assist with the backfilling of graves, make this request known to the funeral director and shovels will be left at the gravesite. 

Burials are typically conducted by a funeral director, who will arrange every aspect of the burial service, including liaising with the Shire regarding the burial location, date, and time.

The Application for Burial form is for Funeral Directors only.

Applications must be submitted to the Shire at least three working days prior to the burial date and time. 

Application for Burial

Place Ashes 

Within the Esperance Cemetery, ashes can be interred in a grave, the Rose Garden, the Niche Wall, or scattered to the winds. Other options within the Shire of Esperance include the Condingup Niche Wall or Salmon Gums Cemetery. Interments into a niche wall require a plaque, which can take up to 8 weeks to complete. Please arrange for the ashes interment once you have the plaque or have made arrangements for one.

Plaques must be made of admiralty bronze and can be arranged through Esperance Funeral Services, Esperance Trophies & Laser Engraving, or other providers.

Esperance Cemetery Niche Wall Plaque Size 
229mm x 229mm 

Esperance Cemetery Rose Garden Plaque Size 
Single: 178mm W x 102mm H
Dual: 385mm W x 177mm H

Esperance Cemetery Infant Section Plaque Size 
Plaques must fit within the plinth size (330mm x 330mm) 
Four standard plaques available to choose from: heart, oval, teddy bear, or koala. 

Condingup Niche Wall Plaque Size 
Single: 178mm W x 102mm H 
Dual: 320mm W 180mm H

Use this application to arrange for ashes to be interred into a niche or grave within the Cemetery.

Application for Ashes Interment

Install a Monument  

Esperance and Salmon Gums 

All monumental works must be conducted by a license monumental mason and approved by the Shire before being placed in a cemetery. It is preferable that the application is submitted by a Monumental Mason.

A monument permit is required for the placement, repair or removal of a headstone on a burial plot. A current Grant of Right of Burial is required to do this. 

There are no restrictions on monuments within the older denominational areas or at the Salmon Gums Cemetery. However, in the Lawn Section of the Esperance Cemetery, current Local Law requires all monuments to be made of natural stone and to comply with specific regulations.

Application for Monument Permit

Reserve a Plot or Niche

To reserve a burial plot or niche, you must complete the Application for Reservation or Renewal of Plot form below. This makes the applicant the Grantee of this plot for 25 years from the date of application. The Grantee will be sent a grant of Right of Burial, which they should maintain for their records. The Grant of Right of Burial is an agreement that grants the holder (Grantee) the right to inter ashes, conduct a burial, and erect a monument within the reserved plot or niche. 
Please note, reserving a plot is not a permit to inter. If you intend to inter ashes and have a date in mind, an ashes interment form is required.   

Application for Reservation or Renewal of Plot

Place a Memorial Plaque 

Memorial plaques are placed to commemorate a loved one who may not be buried or interred in the cemetery. A memorial plaque can be placed on a headstone, on the back side of the Remembrance Wall that winds behind the rose garden, or the infant's section.   

Plaque sizes
Plaques must be made of admiralty bronze.  
Remembrance wall plaque size: 178mm x 102mm  
Infant memorial plaque: Must fit within the plinth - 330mm x 330mm square. Can be heart, oval, teddy, or koala. 

Plaques can be arranged through Esperance Funeral Services, Esperance Trophies & Laser Engraving or other providers. 

Application for Placement of Memorial Plaque

Grant of Right of Burial

A Grant of Right of Burial, or Grant, is a tenure agreement over a specified burial site. It confers upon the holder, known as the Grantee, the right to conduct burials, inter ashes, and erect a monument within the burial site.

Whether it is the first or a subsequent burial, the Grant must be current at the time a burial is conducted. Once a Grant expires, official ownership of the burial site reverts to the Shire of Esperance (the Board).

Under the revised Cemeteries Act 1986, the stipulated tenure of Grants is 25 years. It is important that the Grantee makes provisions in a legal document (e.g., their Will) to allow the transfer of the Grant to another person if required.

A Grant must be current for additional burials, ashes interments, and/or memorial works to take place on the gravesite.

The forms below help with renewal or transfer of a Grant of Right of Burial. 

Transfer a Grant of Right of Burial 

Use this form if the original grant holder is deceased or unable to complete application forms.  

Application for Transfer Grant of Right of Burial

Purchase a Grant of Right of Burial 

Use this form if the grant has expired. 

Application for Purchase Grant of Right of Burial

Read this to learn more about a Grant of Right of Burial. 

Grant of Right of Burial Information 

Cemetery Opening Hours

Esperance Cemetery

  • Main Gate (access from Pink Lake Road):  Open 9am to 4pm on Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays.
  • Personal Access Gate (access from Car Park):  Open from 9am to 4pm 7 days per week, including public holidays.

Opening Hours - Salmon Gums Cemetery

  • Open from 9am to 4pm, 7 days a week, including public holidays.
  • No public vehicle access

Opening Hours - Condingup Niche Wall 

  • Open all day 7 days a week, including public holidays.
  • No public vehicle access

For additional information or assistance, please contact the Cemetery Management Team on (08) 9071 0676 or via email at

Cemetery Maps


Cemeteries within the Shire of Esperance have been extensively researched and photographed by Jill Bickmore - a volunteer for Australian Cemeteries. If you are researching or exploring family history, the following links provide historical and up-to-date information regarding cemeteries within the Shire:

Esperance Cemetery

Salmon Gums Cemetery

Grass Patch Cemetery

Please note: These cemetery databases were last updated in 2009. For more recent information, please phone the Shire of Esperance on 9071 0676.