Please put your bins out by 5am on the scheduled day - or better still the night before.
Bins could be picked up anytime from 5am onwards. If your bin is not out by 5am, there is no guarantee it will be collected.
We can all do our bit to reduce waste to landfill, check out these informative websites:
Wylie Bay Recycling Tours: A guided visit to the Recycling Shed highlights to visitors just what happens to our recyclables after the truck empties the bin at home. You will see how the products are sorted and baled ready for transport to Perth. Bookings essential, for further information click here or
Residential Recycling Service
Service provided: Co-mingled
All items should be clean, dry and empty with lids removed and placed in the bin loose (Bagged recyclables end up in landfill) - Click for more information
- Glass bottles and jars -Clean and empty
- Paper - Not shredded
- Cardboard - Flattened
- Plastic bottles and containers - Clean, empty, no lids
- Steel and aluminium cans - Clean and empty
Domestic recycling bin sizes:
- 140L blue bin
- 240L blue bin
- 360L blue bin
Collection: Fortnightly on same day as general rubbish collection.
Recycling Bin Requirements
The occupier must ensure that waste and recycling bins are:
- Out prior to 5am on the scheduled day of collection- preferably out the night before your collection day (Download the 2024-25 Recycling Calendar here)
- Kept clean and sorted correctly
- Placed on the street verge approximately half a metre (0.5m) from the kerb with the lid opening closest to the road.
- Green and blue bins need to be placed one metre (1m) apart to ensure the truck has room to collect each bin.
- Position bins away from any over-hanging obstructions so the do not interfere with the use of roads, footpaths, cycle ways etc
- Returned inside the property once emptied

Never place food, nappies, batteries or syringes in your recycling bin. Note: The Shire has a "3 Strikes Policy". Recycling bins containing contaminants (i.e. non-recyclable products) will not be collected. If this occurs three times the recycling service is removed from the property. Offensive contamination such as nappies and food waste is particularly penalised as all recyclables are hand sorted in Esperance
The loss of or damage to a bin caused by an occupant is the owner’s responsibility. If your bin needs repairing or replacing, please complete the online form
Commercial Recycling Service
The Shire of Esperance provides a weekly or fortnightly recycling collection service for businesses, schools and organisations that wish to participate.
Service provided: Co-mingled (glass is exempt)
Commercial Recycling Bin sizes:
- 4.5m3 bulk recycling bin
- 3m3 bulk recycling bin
- 1.5m3 bulk recycling bin
- 360L blue bin
- 240L blue bin
Collection: Tuesday or Thursday mornings
Change of Commercial Bin Size Request Form
NOTE: A fortnightly collection is available for businesses only where it coincides with the residential collection.
Town Recycling Stations

The recycling stations are available for use by all residents who live outside the current recycling collection area as well as tourists.
The Recycling Stations are located in the below locations:
- Bunnings carpark, corner of Norseman Road and Arthur Street
- Visitor Centre carpark, corner of Kemp and Dempster Streets
Please remember:
- Place all recyclables into the bins LOOSE
- Do not tie them up in bags
- Do not over load bins as it causes litter issues.
Please report misuse to the shire on (08) 9071 0666.
Rural Recycling Stations

Rural recycling Stations are located in the towns of:
- Scaddan
- Grass Patch
- Salmon Gums
- Cascade
- Condingup
- Coomalbidgup
Containers for Change
Containers for Change is a state-wide container deposit scheme that lets you cash in eligible drink containers for 10 cents each.
In WA, we use more than 1.3 billion eligible drink containers each year; enough drink containers to circumnavigate WA six times every year.
When it comes to recycling, Western Australians now have the chance to make real change and earn cash while we do it.
By recycling through Containers for Change, you help to:
- Reduce litter and landfill
- Increase recycling
- Create jobs
- Provide opportunities for social enterprise and benefits for community organisations
Where to Return - The Esperance depot is at
19 Effie Turner Drive, Esperance WA
Visit here for more information on opening hours.
Fundraising - Containers for Change provides exciting and easy opportunities for groups and charities to raise much-needed funds. Turn your containers into change!
Visit here to read more about how the program works and how to sign up.
This program is a State Government initiative and not coordinated by the Shire of Esperance. Please visit the Containers for Change website for any further information or with any concerns.