Advocacy and Collaboration: Council's Response to Marine Park Motion

Published on Tuesday, 25 March 2025 at 4:57:17 PM

At the Annual Meeting of Electors (AME) held on February 4, 2025, the electors carried Motion 2, which proposed:

That Council;

  1. Publicly oppose the South Coast Marine Park; and
  2. An independent investigation into the community consultation process.

At the Ordinary Council Meeting (OCM) on 25 February, Council resolved to “lay on the table” Motion 2 from the AME until the March OCM, as the State Government was in a caretaker period and the matter was to be considered following the State Government election on March 8, 2025.

The motion (12.4.3) was revisited at today's Ordinary Council Meeting. Last week, the Council received an official briefing and considered feedback submitted from community members.

The Council agreed on an alternate motion proposed by Shire President Ron Chambers, which stated:

That Council

  1. Note the motion moved at the 2025 annual electors meeting, acknowledging that the implementation of the marine park continues to cause anxiety and division in our community and writes to relevant State Government Ministers informing them of this.
  2. Give an undertaking that the Shire will advocate on our communities behalf at every opportunity to ensure that these impacts are minimised where they can be, and that fair and immediate compensation be made available where necessary.
  3. Continue to work with the State Government, its agencies, and South Coast Marine Park Managers to realise any opportunities that will achieve the best outcomes for the Esperance community.
  4. Will not undertake an independent investigation into the community consultation process, for the South Coast Marine Park, as this is a State Government process.

This motion was passed with a vote of 8-1.

The Council will continue to advocate to the State Government and relevant departments to secure the best outcomes for the Shire of Esperance communities and industries.

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