Published on Friday, 21 March 2025 at 1:59:44 PM
In the lead-up to the 2025 Community Scorecard we are looking at the top priorities and concerns expressed by the community through the 2023 Scorecard, to demonstrate what actions have been taken in response to the messages you delivered.
The Community Scorecard is run every two years to gauge how our community feels about the issues most important to them. Council and the Shire take direction from the Scorecard results, which flow through to the Council Plan. Sentiment expressed over the last several surveys show dissatisfaction with Shire of Esperance (Shire) Building Services. From the feedback, it's clear there are some misunderstandings about the role of local government, what our Building Services team can and cannot do, and the extent of the Shire's authority over private property.
“Less red tape on approvals for buildings” – 2023 Community Scorecard Comment
The Building Services team at the Shire provides crucial information and advice for our community. The important services offered enables safe and sustainable development in our community, along with assessment of building related (building, demolition, occupancy, etc) applications as per State legislation to ensure safety and structural standards. Let’s dive into how the Shire’s Building Services help and protect the community.
Legislation across Australia dictates that Local Governments are responsible for and enforce Federal and State Government Building and Planning legislation, codes and regulations. In the same way that police officers and public hospital administrators carry out duties directed by legislation, the Building Services team are also accountable to relevant legislation. The consequences can be severe if the relevant regulations are not followed.
Building Services officers take their responsibility to ratepayers, to correctly administer the legislation, codes and regulations, very seriously. If these officers ‘turn a blind eye,’ or ‘go easy’ on Federal and State regulations, consequences may result in court action, which can include hefty court fines and lawyer fees.
“Faster processing of approvals” – 2023 Community Scorecard Comment
Building legislation also covers turnaround times to process and issue Building Approvals, with 25 business days allowed for an Uncertified Building Certificate and 10 business days for a Certified Building, Demolition or Occupancy Permit, or a Building Approval Certificate. Over the past 2 years, the Shire has worked hard to streamline the Building Application process. We are proud to say that building approvals have increased by 15% and turnaround times have improved by 25%. This is a great outcome from a team of three!
Tips for a streamlined application process:
- Be Thorough: Make sure your application is complete and includes all required documents.
- Seek Advice: Don't hesitate to seek advice from the Shire's building team. They can offer valuable guidance and help you avoid common pitfalls.
- Engage Early: Engage with the Shire early in the process to ensure you understand the requirements and can address any issues before submitting your application.
If a complex application or a larger than usual workload means the deadline cannot be met, the application fee may be returned. The clock may be stopped on the turnaround time if the application does not contain all the required information; in these cases the applicant is informed, and the timeframe starts again once the information has been received. It’s always a good move to contact our Building Services team at or on 9071 0676 to check you have everything required to submit your application.
Common mistakes to avoid pausing your application:
- Incomplete Applications: Sending in an application with missing documents or information can delay the process.
- Ignoring Regulations: Failing to research and follow local building standards can lead to rejections.
- Poorly Detailed Plans: Providing vague or poorly detailed drawings can raise concerns from building officials.
- Underestimating Timeframes: Expecting a quick approval without accounting for potential delays is unrealistic.
The upcoming Community Scorecard is essentially the community’s directions to Council and the Shire – it gives everyone the opportunity to talk about what’s important to them across all issues, from what the Shire controls to what can only be advocated for and influenced on.
Your chance to express your needs and rate the Shire on local services, facilities and programs will be available in the coming months. A paper copy of the 2025 Community Scorecard survey will be delivered to every household for awareness purposes, however every person can fill one out - it’s not limited to one per household. We want to hear from everyone, so start thinking about your top priorities for us to act on, now!
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