Bushfire Update

Published on Wednesday, 22 January 2025 at 2:10:00 PM

UPDATE 4.08pm 24/01/2025

Advice is in place for people in the area bounded by Myrup Road, Fisheries Road, Lake Road and Hill Road.

  • Please Stay Informed.
  • The fire is contained and under control.
  • Firefighters are patrolling the area and mopping up.


Advice in the area bounded by Coolgardie Esperance Highway, Fisheries Road, Bandy Creek Road, Wylie Bay Road, Mullet Lake Nature Reserve, Merivale Road and parts of Fisheries Road

  • Threat is Reduced
  • No longer a threat to the community
  • This advice will drop off Emergency WA in a few hours.

UPDATE 8:19pm 22/01/2025
Watch & Act has been downgraded to an Advice with Return with Caution.
2 other Advice areas are Stay Informed.

All roads will open at 8pm tonight.

Firefighters are patrolling the area for the rest of the night.

UPDATE: 6:35pm 22/01/2025

Emergency Warning has been downgraded to a Watch & Act with Monitor Conditions. Quarry Road Residents can return home but must monitor conditions.

Watch & Act area has been downgraded to Advice with Threat is Reduced.

Both advice areas are kept as is with a stay informed.


Road Closures:

  • Fisheries Road between Quarry Road and Myrup Road.
  • Merivale Road between Hicks Road and Fisheries Road.

Please stay away from the area if you do not live there.

Evacuation Centres: Closing at 6.30pm

Further updates are on Emergency WA.

UPDATE: 4:29pm 22/01/2025

Please note the addition of two Advice warning areas.

  • A Bushfire Advice is in place for people in an area bounded by Lake Road, Fisheries Road and Coolgardie Esperance Highway
  • A Bushfire Advice is in place for people in an area bounded by Bandy Creek Road, Wylie Bay Road then direct north to Merivale Road.

People should leave in a south westerly direction along Fisheries Road towards Esperance.

UPDATE WEDNESDAY 22/01/2025 3.56pm:

People should leave in a south westerly direction along Fisheries Road towards Esperance.

  • LEAVE NOW- Bandy Creek and MYRUP


  • A Bushfire Advice is in place for people bounded by Merrivale Road, Fisheries Road, Bandy Creek Road, Wylie Bay Road and the Mullet Lake Nature Reserve in MYRUP and BANDY CREEK 

  • A Bushfire Advice is in place for people in an area bounded by Lake Road, Fisheries Road and Coolgardie Esperance Highway in CASTLETOWN, WINDABOUT, MYRUP and BANDY CREE

All information can be found: Emergency WA - Alerts and Warnings.


UPDATE WEDNESDAY 22/01/2025 2.56pm:

Please note changes to the warning areas. The eastern part of the warning area has been upgraded to a Watch and Act - Monitor Conditions. Evacuation centres are now open. The evacuation centre at the Greater Sports Ground is open to horses and pets.

  • A Bushfire Watch and Act is in place for people bounded by Coolgardie-Esperance Highway, Myrup Road and west of Hill Road in parts of MYRUP and MONJINGUP 

  • A Bushfire Emergency Warning is in place for people bounded by Myrup Road, Fisheries Road, Lake Road and Hill Road in parts of BANDY CREEK and MYRUP 


UPDATE WEDNESDAY 22/01/2025 2.20pm:

A Bushfire Emergency Warning is in place for people bounded by Quarry Road, Myrup Road, Fisheries Road and Merivale Road in parts of BANDY CREEK and MYRUP in the SHIRE OF ESPERANCE.

  • The alert level for this fire has been upgraded as fire activity in the area has increased.

    • If the way is clear, leave now for a safer place. This may be with family or friends away from the area.

    • Leave in a south westerly direction towards the Esperance townsite.

    • Do not wait and see, leaving at the last minute could put your life in danger.

    • Take your emergency kit with you.

    • If you become stuck in your car, park away from bushes, cover yourself with a woollen blanket, get onto the floor as the windows may break from the intense heat.

    • Close all doors and windows and turn off evaporative air conditioners but keep water running through the system if possible.

    • If you cannot leave, you need to get ready to shelter in your home.

    • You must shelter before the fire arrives, as the extreme heat will kill you before the flames reach you.

    • Go to a room in your home where you can shelter from the approaching fire.

    • The room should have running water, such as a kitchen or laundry, and have a clear exit so you can easily escape.

    • If you are not at home, it is too dangerous to return.

All information can be found: Emergency WA - Alerts and Warnings.

UPDATE 9:36pm 20/01/2025 -
The fire is now controlled and contained.
Roads are open but please proceed with caution.
🚒 Firefighters are patrolling the area overnight, and crews will be returning to the area tomorrow morning.

Thank you for your patience, for listening to the warning and for working with our emergency services crews.

UPDATE 8:14pm 20/01/2025 - Please note that the warning areas have been downgraded, as the fire is now controlled.
A Bushfire Watch and Act is in place for people in an area bounded by Hicks Road, Fisheries Road and Merivale Road in parts of BANDY CREEK and MYRUP 🚫 AVOID THE AREA 🚫

A Bushfire Advice is in place for an area bounded by Quarry Road, Myrup Road, Lake Road, Fisheries Road and Coolgardie-Esperance Highway in parts of MYRUP ⚠️ Return with Caution ⚠️

Road Closures remain in place. Next review 9:30pm

UPDATE 7:09pm 20/01/2025

Changes have been made to the Emergency Warning and Watch & Act areas for this fire incident, and an Advice area is now in place, refer to Emergency WA for all information https://www.emergency.wa.gov.au/.

UPDATE 5:39pm 20/01/2025
Evacuation Centres Open from 6pm:
- Esperance Civic Centre: people who have no accommodation or pets.
- Greater Sports Ground: people with horses / pets and camping gear. Entry via Brazier Street.
Road Detours: Access to Fisheries Road, via Coolgardie Esperance Highway / Myrup Road.

UPDATE 20 Jan 2025 03:45 PM:

Bushfire Emergency Warning

A Bushfire Emergency Warning is in place for people in an area bounded by Quarry Road, Myrup Road, Fisheries Road, Hicks Road and Merivale Road in parts of MYRUP and BANDY CREEK in the SHIRE OF ESPERANCE.

  • You are in danger and need to act immediately to survive. There is a threat to lives and homes.

Leave in a south westerly direction towards Esperance if safe to do so.

Bushfire Watch and Act

A Bushfire Watch and Act is in place for people in an area bounded by Myrup Road, Coolgardie-Esperance Highway, Quarry Road and Lake Road in parts of MYRUP, MONJINGUP and BANDY CREEK in the SHIRE OF ESPERANCE.

More Information - Emergency WA - Alerts and Warnings.

20 Jan 2025 03:15 PM -

A Bushfire Emergency Warning is in place for people in an area bounded by Gamby Road, Hicks Road, Merivale Road and Fisheries Road in parts of MYRUP in the SHIRE OF ESPERANCE.

  • You are in danger and need to act immediately to survive. There is a threat to lives and homes.

  • If the way is clear, leave now for a safer place. This may be with family or friends away from the area.

  • Leave in a south westerly direction towards Esperance if safe to do so.

  • Do not wait and see, leaving at the last minute could put your life in danger.

  • Take your emergency kit with you.

  • If you become stuck in your car, park away from bushes, cover yourself with a woollen blanket, get onto the floor as the windows may break from the intense heat.

  • Close all doors and windows and turn off evaporative air conditioners but keep water running through the system if possible.

  • If you cannot leave, you need to get ready to shelter in your home.

  • You must shelter before the fire arrives, as the extreme heat will kill you before the flames reach you.

  • Go to a room in your home where you can shelter from the approaching fire.

  • The room should have running water, such as a kitchen or laundry, and have a clear exit so you can easily escape.

  • If you are not at home, it is too dangerous to return.

Leave in a south westerly direction towards Esperance if safe to do so.

More Information - Emergency WA - Alerts and Warnings.

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