Community Scorecard Top 5 Priority Update

Published on Tuesday, 9 May 2023 at 12:00:00 AM

The Shire of Esperance Community Scorecard is now open. We invite the community (from 14 - 104 years old) to complete the Scorecard by 19 May 2023, and rate the Shire on local services, facilities and programs, and express your needs.

The community told us about five priority areas they wanted us to act on through the 2021 Scorecard. 

One of the Top 5 priorities from the 2021 Community Perception Scorecard was Economic Development and Job Creation. 

Some of the feedback included comments like “Business development is being stifled by regulations and special interest groups”, “Undersupply of accommodation for workers” and “Small businesses are struggling, local shops have closed.” 

In response to the feedback and direction given, over the past 24 months the Shire has: 

  • Facilitated additional trading hours and days across Christmas, Easter and Long Weekends – a full review of trading hours across the Christmas period will be undertaken in 2023.
  • Developed residential land lots in Flinders Estate and Ocean Street.
  • Started the planning process to expand Shark Lake Industrial Park. All developed blocks have sold.
  • Participated in the Small Business Friendly Approvals Program. This program is designed to focus on reforming and simplifying business approvals processes and fostering a supportive business environment. This process has already commenced and will continue to be a priority.
  • Continued to work with local businesses and contractors. Where possible, and viable, our local businesses will always be the first choice. To streamline the procuring process, we highly recommend local contractors become a Prequalified Contractor with the Shire. It is free and easy to do.  
  • Finalised the Land and Accommodation Study. This is in partnership with GEDC. The most significant impediment to economic growth is accommodation for workers. The next step is to prioritise locations, get funding and attract investors.
  • Council funded a Tourism Development Manager, with the role focusing on growing accommodation and tourist activity offerings.
  • Continued to work with the broader region to promote the Goldfields Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA), ensuring that the occupations included meet our local needs.
  • Provided assistance to a range of potential industry investors, incl. tourism, renewable energy, agricultural processing and mining.

Please complete the 2023 Community Scorecard and rate local services, facilities and programs and share your needs. 

Esperance MARKYT | Community Scorecard

Hardcopy – Survey delivered to all mailboxes. 

Closing Date - 19 May 2023. 

The survey is conducted by independent research company, CATALYSE®, with all responses and comments dealt with in the strictest confidence. When reporting results CATALYSE® only present aggregated data. The Shire does not have access to information from individual respondents.

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