Published on Thursday, 9 January 2025 at 3:35:48 PM
"I can’t tell you how excited we are now that our community’s vision for the James Street Cultural Precinct can start getting off the ground”, said Shire President Ron Chambers as he welcomed the announcement of the Shire's success in securing $14,903,000 from the Australian Government Growing Regions Program - Round 2 for Stage 1a of the James Street Cultural Precinct (JSCP). “This is a huge achievement and I applaud all involved.”
The Project started in 2020, when work to determine the attitudes, requirements, wants and needs of Esperance people for the vital social spaces, community and tourism services to be collocated at the Precinct began. Council and the Shire heartily congratulate all involved in this historic achievement.
“This has been a project with profound community involvement the whole way. At every step we have gone back to the community and stakeholders and asked ‘What do you think? What needs changing?’ until we got the final concept design right”, Ron said.
Since completion of community and stakeholder consultation, dedicated Shire staff have actively applied for funding from all available pools. When applications were denied, staff were not deterred.
“We believe this project is vital to the fabric of our social, business and tourism industries, and were always going to fight for this project till success was achieved for the region” President Chambers continued.
“With the Australian Government Growing Regions Program investment in the project, and the $7.5m Council have carefully budgeted, we can start organising the final design and construction of the building, collocation and fit out of the ground floor which includes the only public library for 200km, visitor centre and a café.”
“To achieve Stage 1 in its entirety, we will now pursue WA Government funding” President Chambers said. “The State Government has repeatedly stated their South Coast Marine Park will rival the appeal of the Great Barrier Reef and Ningaloo, and that they are committed to the necessary infrastructure investment for the success of their Park vision.”
“Our State Government has assured us they support regional areas. This shovel-ready project is their opportunity to help achieve the full vision for this crucial community hub, with an industry leading Visitor Centre to handle the increased tourist numbers projected to result from the new marine park.”
The concept design incorporates a high level of environmental sustainability; it is expected this will carry through to the final design, continuing the commitment shown in other Shire buildings with the use of renewable energy power throughout.
Shire CEO, Shane Burge said “We are proud of this project, arrived at through the hard work of staff and consultants, and wide community and stakeholder participation.”
The James Street Cultural Precinct Project won the Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) Awards for Planning Excellence and the PIA WA President’s Award for exceptional and innovative regional planning, with the PIA stating ‘the master plan’s holistic integration of tourism, commerce, culture, recreation and municipal services sets a new standard for activating public spaces to serve diverse community needs’.
“A project of this size is expected to bring significant employment and business benefits to the region, both during construction and into the longer term, with space for food businesses included in the design” Mr Burge said.
“Financial analysis carried out through the Shire’s Business Case for the Precinct shows the collocation of diverse, vital Shire services is expected to save significant operational costs, a welcome outcome for Shire ratepayers in this cost of living crisis” Mr Burge continued.
Shire President Ron Chambers urged “our hope is that the WA Government will provide the funding needed to fully complete Stage 1 of this essential regional hub.”
Find details of the James Street Cultural Precinct on the Shire website here.
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