Esperance Indoor Stadium Update – Detailed Mould Testing Results

Published on Monday, 29 July 2024 at 6:00:00 AM

Results from independent testing at the Esperance Indoor Stadium to identify the mould species in the sports flooring have come back. Unfortunately the results show the presence of toxic mould, and advice from Shire insurers is that the remaining sports flooring for courts 3 & 4 must be removed.

Demolition of the remaining sports flooring will start this week. The building will then be ready for deep cleaning and decontamination by a local cleaning contractor.

Following flooding of the stadium earlier this year, mould concerns were identified through an independent testing process involving collection of samples throughout the stadium done by an accredited professional and laboratory. Once the sports flooring is removed, all affected areas of the facility will be cleaned and treated to get rid of any remaining mould spores. As a precaution, further testing will be carried out before the facility is opened to the public, expected to be late August or early September.

Staff and contractors are working hard to make the Indoor Stadium is ready for use for the Esperance Agricultural Show; the underlying concrete flooring will be suitable for this event.

Meanwhile, the tender process to replace the sports flooring continues, and it is expected the work will be awarded in the coming weeks.

Shire staff continue to work closely with all Stadium user groups and stakeholders to keep them informed of the situation and best meet their ongoing needs. The understanding, cooperation and patience of all is greatly appreciated.

Links to our earlier updates on the Esperance Indoor Stadium work are below:

Friday 12 July 2024

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Thursday 9 May 2024

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